Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fall is almost here!

As much as I want to hang on the the last wisps of summer, I am beginning to admit that fall is on it's way. With fall comes the new season of belly dance classes! Hurrah! After a long (hot!) summer with only a few workshops to keep me going I am looking forward to teaching and taking classes.
I also have some really fun performances coming in the next weeks and months. The first is at Holly's Own Restaurant in Auburn. The very generous Annabee is hosting this event. It can't be easy to organise dancers, musicians and a busy restaurant schedule, but she does it with style and grace! I will be dancing with Josephina and I am sure it will be a blast!
Next month I am performing with the Okbari Ensemble at their bi-monthly concert at West End Yoga and Dance Studio. This is the concert where Okbari can really play traditional sets of Turkish and Arabic music. Last performance was comprised mostly of Turkish music. Personally I am hoping they play classic Arabic dance tunes, but everything they play is so wonderful I will most definitely be happy .
In the costume realm I am working on restoring a red vintage costume to wear in October when I perform with the Okbari Ensemble. I have been hanging on to this beauty for too long! It is time to get her out and dancing!
Hope to see you all soon!