Hello! I am back! I have neglected this blog for too long. It is time to finally publish things that have been in the draft box and move on to some new topics. I started the following post at the end of June.
As many of you know, I had been anxiously awaiting the events last week. There was so much crammed into those 7 days! And the preparations! My house was sprinkled with sequins, bits of thread and had piles of suitcases and garment bags waiting for each event.
First was the Improved Always Fantabulous Spring Studio Show. This year my teacher Jamileh decided against a traditional recital format. She wanted to construct a show that represented the growth and change that we all have been feeling. The show was amazing! It was the best studio show she has ever put on! Jamileh carefully chose dancers to perform their interpretation of changes they have passed through in their lives. Since our class is filled with women of all different ages the dances of maiden, mother and crone were all represented. There were many performances celebrating the realization of feminine power including a very entertaining group piece with the working theme "give us an inch, and we'll park a car in it!"
I was in four pieces this year including four slightly crazy costume changes. The piece that I am most proud of was my solo. I performed while balancing a Shamadan with lit candles on my head.
I had been so nervous about this piece! I had been working with the Shamadan in secret for about a year. I had practiced with taper candles, but I decided that the chance was too great that I would set the backstage on fire (we didn't mention to the auditorium manager that I would be performing with open flames on my head!). I danced with smaller candles and the effect was still pretty impressive. The theme that was given to me was "the gifts of the goddess." I couldn't help but think I was dancing as the goddess' birthday cake!
The next day Evan and I hopped a bus to Sunday River with our bicycles and duffel bags to begin our 180 mile ride for the American Lung Association. Upon arrival I was ushered to the Winner's Circle room reserved for those who raised over one thousand dollars for the cause. I was greeted by a rousing cheers, cowbells and other noisemakers. I almost jumped out of my skin!
This was the beginning of a really fun weekend! I was so impressed with the gratitude and support of all the volunteers throughout the whole weekend. One of my favorite parts of the ride was actually the volunteers. At every intersection a volunteer would be jumping up and down, cheering, singing or all three. I couldn't help but giggle.
I had so much fun! We signed up to ride again next year.
After the Trek my sewing wasn't complete. I picked up my professionally altered bridesmaid dress for a friend's wedding and found it needed some work. The seamstress did a wonderful job tightening the top, but in the process she altered the way the dress sat around my hips. It already had some tricky pleats that the dress shop steamed out to make the dress look even more bulbous. To top it all off there was a big bow at the center of the waistband. That was the first stitch to be cut! I was not happy. Back to my sewing machine I went!
After removing the bow, I ripped out the seams in the skirt and the lining and readjusted the curve of the hip seam and left slits open in the bottom of the skirt. Then I pressed the front pleats flat. It wasn't the most flattering dress I have ever worn, but it worked. I later found that the other bridesmaids had similar problems when they received their dresses.

After these events, I put away my sewing kit for the rest of the summer. Only recently have I felt the bug to sew again. Stay tuned!
After the Trek my sewing wasn't complete. I picked up my professionally altered bridesmaid dress for a friend's wedding and found it needed some work. The seamstress did a wonderful job tightening the top, but in the process she altered the way the dress sat around my hips. It already had some tricky pleats that the dress shop steamed out to make the dress look even more bulbous. To top it all off there was a big bow at the center of the waistband. That was the first stitch to be cut! I was not happy. Back to my sewing machine I went!
After removing the bow, I ripped out the seams in the skirt and the lining and readjusted the curve of the hip seam and left slits open in the bottom of the skirt. Then I pressed the front pleats flat. It wasn't the most flattering dress I have ever worn, but it worked. I later found that the other bridesmaids had similar problems when they received their dresses.